Articles, Preprints, and Conference Papers

Articles, Preprints, and Conference Papers


Simulating the Air Quality Impacts of Prescribed Fires Using Graph Neural Network‐Based PM2.5 Forecasts [link]
K. Liao, J. Buch, K.D. Lamb, P. Gentine
Environmental Data Science, 4, e11-14 (2025)

Discovering How Ice Crystals Grow Using Neural Ordinary Differential Equations and Symbolic Regression [preprint]
K.D. Lamb and J.Y. Harrington
Machine Learning for the Physical Sciences Workshop
2024 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Spatio-Temporal Machine Learning Models for Emulation of Global Atmospheric Composition
M. Erfani, K.D. Lamb, S.E. Bauer, K. Tsigaridis, M. van Lier-Walqui, G. Schmidt
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop
2024 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Representation of iron aerosol size distribution is critical in evaluating atmospheric soluble iron input to the ocean [link]
M. Liu, H. Matsui, D. Hamilton, S. Rathod, K.D. Lamb, N. Mahowald.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 24, 13115-13127 (2024)
Reduced Order Modeling for Linearized Representations of Microphysical Process Rates [link]
K.D. Lamb, M. van Lier Walqui, S.P. Santos, H. Morrison.
Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, 7 (2024)

Zero‐Shot Learning of Aerosol Optical Properties Using Graph Neural Networks [link]
K.D. Lamb, P. Gentine.
Scientific Reports 13, 18777 (2023)
Simulating the Air Quality Impacts of Prescribed Fires Using a Graph Neural Network‐Based PM2.5 Forecasting System [link]
K. Liao, J. Buch, K.D. Lamb, P. Gentine
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop
2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Understanding and Visualizing Droplet Distributions in Simulations of Shallow Clouds with Variational Autoencoders [link]
J. Will, A. Jenney, K.D. Lamb, M.S. Pritchard, C. Kaul, P-L Ma, K. Pressel, J. Shpund, M. van Lier Walqui, S. Mandt
Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop
2023 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Pyrocumulonimbus affect average stratospheric aerosol composition [link]
J.M Katich, E. Apel, I. Bourgeois, C. Brock, T.P. Bui, P. Campuzano-Jost, R. Commane, B. Daube, M. Dollner, M. Fromm, K.D. Froyd, A.J. Hills, R.S. Hornbrook, J. Jimenez, A. Kupc, K.D. Lamb, K. McKain, F. Moore, D.M. Murphy, B.A. Nault, J. Peischl, D.A. Peterson, E.A. Ray, K.H. Rosenlof, T. Ryerson, G.P. Schill, J.C. Schroder, B. Weinzierl, C. Thompson, C.J. Williamson, S. Wofsy, P. Yu, J.P. Schwarz.
Science, 379, 6634 (2023)
Implicit Learning of Convective Organization Explains Precipitation Stochasticity [link]
S. Shamekh, K.D. Lamb, Y. Huang, P. Gentine.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(20)e2216158120 (2023)
Re-evaluating cloud chamber constraints on depositional ice growth in cirrus clouds--
Part 1: Model description and sensitivity tests [link]

K.D. Lamb, J. Harrington, B.W. Clouser, E.J. Moyer, L. Sarkozy, V. Ebert, O. Möhler, H. Saathoff.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 23, 6043-6064 (2023)
Airborne Bioaerosol Observations Imply a Strong Terrestrial Source in the Summertime Arctic [link]
A. Perring, B. Mediavilla, G. Wilbanks, J. Churnside, R. Marchbanks, K.D. Lamb, R. Gao.
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres , 128, e2023JD039165 (2023)

Identifying the Causes of Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) [link]
E. Diaz Salas‐Porras, K. Tazi, A. Braude, D. Okoh, K.D. Lamb, D. Watson‐Parris, P. Harder, N. Meinert
Workshop on Causality for Real‐world Impact (CML4Impact 2022)
2022 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Pyrocast: a Machine Learning Pipeline to Forecast Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCb) clouds [link]
K. Tazi, E. Diaz Salas‐Porras, A. Braude, D. Okoh, K.D. Lamb, D. Watson‐Parris, P. Harder, N. Meinert
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop
2022 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
The under‐appreciated role of anthropogenic sources in atmospheric soluble iron flux to the Southern Ocean. [link]
M. Liu, H. Matsui, D.S. Hamilton, K.D. Lamb, S.D. Rathod, J.P. Schwarz, N.M. Mahowald.
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science 5, 28 (2022)

Complex refractive indices in the ultraviolet and visible spectral region for highly absorbing non‐spherical biomass burning aerosol [link]
C.C. Womack, K.M. Manfred, N.L. Wagner, G. Adler, A. Franchin, K.D. Lamb, A.M. Middlebrook, J.P. Schwarz, C.A. Brock, S.S. Brown, R.A. Washenfelder.
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 21, 7235-7252 (2021)
Temporal and spatial variations of aerosol optical properties over the Korean peninsula during KORUS‐AQ [link]
C.Y. Choi, Y.S. Ghim, M. Segal‐Rozenhaimer, J. Redemann, S.E. LeBlanc, Y. Lee, T. Lee, T. Park, J.P. Schwarz, K.D. Lamb, C.J. Flynn, R.J. Johnson, A.E. Perring
Atmospheric Environment, 118301, ISSN 1352‐2310 (2021)
Global‐scale constraints on light‐absorbing anthropogenic iron oxide aerosols [link]
K.D. Lamb, H. Matsui, J. Katich, A.P. Perring, J.R. Spackman, B. Weinzerl, M. Dollner, J.P.Schwarz
npj Climate and Atmospheric Science, 4, 15 (2021)
Light‐absorption enhancement of black carbon in the Asian outflow: Airborne SP2 observations during KORUS‐AQ [link]
C. Cho, J.P. Schwarz, A.E. Perring, K.D. Lamb, Y. Kondo, J.U. Park, D.H. Park, K. Shim, J.S. Park, R.J. Park, M. Lee, C.K. Song, S.W. Kim
Science of the Total Environment, Jun 15, Vol. 773, 145531 (2021)

Investigation of Factors Controlling PM2.5 Variability across the South Korean peninsula during KORUS‐AQ [link]
C.E. Jordan, J.H. Crawford, A.J. Beyersdorf, T.F. Eck, H.S. Halliday, B.A. Nault, L.‐S. Chang, R. Park, G. Lee, H. Kim, S. Cho, H.J. Shin, J.H. Lee, J. Jung, D.S. Kim, M. Lee, T. Lee, A. Whitehall, J. Szykman, M.K. Schueneman, P. Campuzano‐Jost, J.L. Jimenez, J.P. DiGangi, G.S. Diskin, B.E. Anderson, R.H. Moore, L.D. Ziemba, M.A. Fenn, J.W. Hair, R.E. Kuehn, R.E. Holz, G. Chen, K. Travis, M. Shook, D.A. Peterson, K.D. Lamb, J.P. Schwarz
Elementa: Science of the Anthropocene, 8 (2020)
The Lab Chicago Water Isotope Spectrometer: a tunable diode laser spectrometer for chamber‐based measurements of water vapor isotopic evolution during cirrus formation [link]
L. Sarkozy, B.W. Clouser, K.D. Lamb, E. Stutz, H. Saathoff,O. Möhler, S.Wagner, V. Ebert, B. Kühnreich, E.J. Moyer
Review of Scientific Instruments, 91, 4 (2020)
Understanding and improving model representation of aerosol optical properties for a Chinese haze event measured during KORUS‐AQ [link]
P.E. Saide, M. Gao, Z. Lu, D. Goldberg, D.G. Streets, J.‐H. Woo, A. Beyersdorf, C. Corr, K.L. Thornhill, B. Anderson, J.W. Hair, A.R. Nehrir, G.S. Diskin, J.L. Jimenez, B.A. Nault, P. Campuzano‐Jost, J. Dibb, E. Heim, K.D. Lamb, J.P. Schwarz, A.E. Perring, J. Kim, M. Choi, B. Holben, G. Pfister, A. Hodzic, G.R. Carmichael, L. Emmons, J.H. Crawford
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 11, 6455‐6478 (2020)
No anomalous supersaturation in ultracold cirrus laboratory experiments [link]
B. Clouser, K.D. Lamb, L. Sarkozy, A. Nisenoff, J. Habig, V. Ebert, H. Saathoff, O. Möhler, E.J. Moyer
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 20, 2, 1089‐1103 (2020)

A deep learning approach for classifying black carbon aerosol morphology
K.D. Lamb
Tackling Climate Change with Machine Learning Workshop
2019 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Prediction of GNSS Phase Scintillations: A Machine Learning Approach [link]
K.D. Lamb*, G. Malhotra*, A. Vlontzos*, E. Wagstaff*, A.G. Baydin, A. Bhiwandiwalla, Y. Gal, A. Kalaitzis, A.Reina, A. Bhatt (*equal contributions)
Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop
2019 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Correlation of Auroral Dynamics and GNSS Scintillation with an Auto‐encoder [link]
K.D. Lamb*, G. Malhotra*, A. Vlontzos*, E. Wagstaff*, A.G. Baydin, A. Bhiwandiwalla, Y. Gal, A. Kalaitzis, A.Reina, A. Bhatt (*equal contributions)
Machine Learning and the Physical Sciences Workshop
2019 Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
Classification of iron oxide aerosols with a single particle soot photometer using supervised machine learning [link]
K.D. Lamb
Atmospheric Measurement Techniques, 12, 3885‐3906 (2019)
Evidence in biomass burning smoke for light‐absorbing aerosol with properties intermediate between black and brown carbon [link]
G. Adler, N. Wagner, K.D. Lamb, K. Manfred, J.P. Schwarz, A. Franchin, A. Middlebrook, R. Washenfelder, C. Womak, R. Yokelson, D. Murphy
Aerosol Science and Technology, p. 976‐989 (2019)
Inter‐comparison of black carbon measurement methods for simulated open biomass burning emissions [link]
H. Li, K.D. Lamb, J. Schwarz, V. Selimovic, R. Yokelson, G. McMeeking, A. May
Atmospheric Environment, Vol. 206, p.156‐169 (2019)

Secondary organic aerosol production from local emissions dominates the organic aerosol budget over Seoul, South Korea, during KORUS‐AQ [link]
B. Nault, P. Campuzano‐Jost, D. Day, J. Schroder, B. Anderson, A. Beyersdorf, D. Blake, W. Brune, Y. Choi,C. Corr, J. de Gouw, J. Dibb, J. DiGangi, G. Diskin, A. Fried, L.G. Huey, M. Kim, C. Knote, K.D. Lamb, T. Lee, T. Park, S. Pusede, E. Scheuer, K. Thornhill, J.‐H. Woo, and J. Jimenez
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 24, 17769-17800 (2018)
Estimating Source Region Influences on Black Carbon Abundance, Microphysics, and Radiative Effect Observed Over South Korea [link]
K.D .Lamb, A. Perring, B. Samset, D. Peterson, S. Davis, B. Anderson, A. Beyersdorf, D. Blake, P. Campuzano‐Jost, C. Corr, G. Diskin, Y. Kondo, N. Moteki, B. Nault, J. Oh, M. Park, S. Pudede, I. Simpson, K. Thornhill, A. Wisthaler, J.P. Schwarz
Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 123(23): 13527‐13548 (2018)
Investigating biomass burning aerosol morphology using a laser imaging nephelometer [link]
K.M. Manfred, R.A. Washenfelder, N.L. Wagner, G. Adler, F. Erdesz, C.C. Womack, K.D. Lamb, J.P. Schwarz, A. Franchin, and V. Selimovic
Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 18, 3, 1879-1894 (2018)

Laboratory measurements of HDO/H2O isotopic fractionation during ice deposition in simulated cirrus clouds [link]
K.D. Lamb, B.W. Clouser, M. Bolot, L. Sarkozy, V. Ebert, H. Saathoff, O. Möhler, E.J. Moyer
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 114(22):5612–5617 (2017)

Unitary and nonunitary approaches in quantum field theory [link]
K.D. Lamb, C.C. Gerry, Q. Su, R. Grobe
Physical Review A, 75(1):013425 (2007)
Non‐perturbative retrieval of the scattering strength in one‐dimensional media [link]
K.D. Lamb, S. Menon, Q. Su, R. Grobe
Physical Review E, 74(6):061903 (2006)


Media and Press

We’re finally solving the puzzle of how clouds will affect our climate, New Scientist, September (2024) [link]
How AI Could Power the Climate Breakthroughs the World Needs, CNN, November (2023) [link]
Towering Wildfire Clouds Are Affecting the Stratosphere, and the Climate, State of the Planet, February (2023) [link]
Can Climate Models Aid Adaptation Efforts with Help from A.I.?, Sustain What? Webcast, December (2022) [link]
How Studying the Clouds Can Improve Climate Models, State of the Planet, November (2022) [link]
DOE Awards $14 Million to Improve Climate Change Predictions (2022) [link]
Human‐made iron inputs to the Southern Ocean ten times higher than previously estimated. EurekaAlert! AAAS, May (2022) [link]
Aerosols and their Role in Climate (2021) [link]
New spectrometer measures water vapor isotopic evolution in cirrus clouds. AIP SciLight (2020) [link]
NASA flies low over South Korea to measure polluted air, CNN, June (2016) [link]
On board NASA’s flying lab over South Korea, CNN, June (2016) [link]